Grow marijuana plants outdoors

Grow marijuana plants outdoors


how to grow marijuana outdoors

There are those who claim that growing marijuana plants outdoors is easier than growing hemp indoors. It is quite possible that this statement is correct. As you probably know, cannabis plants grow best in a warm climate. When you can carry out the growing process in an open space, you don't have to invest so much money for special equipment. You also don't have to build a special installation to properly illuminate the plants. You can simply use the sunlight and weather conditions that mother nature offers us. That sounds ideal, of course, but there are a number of things that you have to take into account if you want to grow marijuana plants outside. Read on to get started well prepared.


This is how you start growing marijuana outdoors

A good start is half the work, when growing hemp we start with good cannabis seeds. Nowadays there are many types of cannabis seeds, each with their own characteristics, including seeds that are especially suitable for outdoor cultivation. There are also varieties that grow and flower faster. In addition, there are variations that perform better in full soil. You can possibly get seeds from a previous harvest. At you can buy cannabis seeds that are suitable for outdoor cultivation in a Dutch climate. Check the website for more details. Once you've found good seeds, you can move on to the next stage in marijuana growing.

Grow marijuana plants outdoors


The second phase is the germination of the cannabis seeds. You now have to let the first carrot come out of the seed. This is successful when you see that first root appearing from the hard shell. This first root is very important because all other roots will grow from this first root. As the root grows and gets stronger you will see the next set of roots emerge. After germination, the first leaf will become visible, which we call the cotyledon. After that, the next true leaves will grow.


During the germination phase you can use pots or bags. The soil in these containers must be moist for the seedlings to hatch. The seeds must be planted separately from each other, so give them enough space. The environment should be nice and warm, but not too hot. At this stage of the process you will need to handle the seeds very carefully. When it comes time to repot the germinated seed, make sure not to touch the root. It is still very fragile at this stage and can easily be damaged.


Planting the seedlings

When the seedlings have neatly emerged from the seed, it's time to get them real to plant. Now the time has come to determine where you will grow the cannabis plants. This can be a garden or maybe a location with a little more space. The size of the location strongly depends on the amount of plants you want to grow. Also take the legislation into account, although there is a tolerance policy in force in the Netherlands, you are not allowed to grow unlimited weed just like that.


It is possible to grow the plants in pots, which makes it easy to move them later. For example, to a spot with sunlight if there is a lot of shade. There are also growers who prefer to look up a large piece of land to grow a large number of marijuana plants. Because the seedlings are still very fragile at this stage, you will have to handle them with extreme care when transferring them to full soil. You should also keep the seedlings warm and moist during this process. Moist does not mean soaked, too much water can be disastrous for the seedlings at this stage.


You can take a chance and stick the seeds directly into the soil without germinating it first. This method does entail risks, it is possible that not all seeds will germinate correctly. The soil must be in optimal condition so that the plants receive all the nutrition they need in this phase. When plants have to be moved, this can disrupt the germination process of the cannabis seeds.


Growth phase

Sufficient sunlight is needed to allow a cannabis plant to grow optimally. When growing in the garden, you must therefore pay close attention to where the shadow falls, so you should not place the plants there. That is why pots are often used in a small garden to be able to move the cannabis plants during the growth phase. In addition to sunlight, watering also plays an important role in the growth phase. You will have to water the plants regularly, without drowning the young cannabis plants. A very effective and simple way to test the humidity is to touch the soil with your fingers. Cold earth is moist, dry earth is warmed by the sun. Some growers water weekly to keep the plants from drowning.


Another important aspect to consider when growing marijuana plants is the use of fertilizers. The first nutrients that the young plants need come from the soil. That is why you have to make sure that the soil in which you grow your cannabis plants outdoors is rich in nutrients. After about three to four weeks you will have to give extra plant food. Be careful with the type of food, take plant food that is suitable for growing cannabis plants to be on the safe side. The specialist can undoubtedly help you with this.


There are products on the market that are very expensive. If they are above your budget, you can try plant food that is suitable for edible plants. Their composition is often also suitable for growing marijuana. This applies in particular to a small culture for own use. When you are working on a larger grow, it is better to buy fertilizers that are really intended for cannabis. You can read on the packaging what the recommended amount of plant food is. Why is the correct use of these products so important? If you give too much nutrition, the plants can be irreparably damaged, they can even die.



It will take between three to five months before you can start harvesting the cannabis plants. You must of course know when the plants are ready for harvest. At this point you should see large buds with sparkling crystals growing on the plants. The stigmas of the buds will turn brown. This is the sign that you can start harvesting!

Why would you grow marijuana outdoors?

When you have a suitable location to grow cannabis plants outdoors, it is usually easier to care for the plants. They will also get a lot bigger outdoors, which in turn means a bigger harvest. This all has to do with the circumstances. The plates catch full sunlight, the air is fresh and there is more room for the plants to develop optimally. In addition, you can save a lot of money if you grow marijuana outdoors, you don't even need electricity!


While there are numerous benefits to growing cannabis outdoors, there are also drawbacks to consider. For example, outdoor plants are more susceptible to fungi, insects and other pests. In addition, harvesting takes longer because you have no control over the amount of light and the ideal temperature. Still, with good care and a little bit of luck, you can grow huge cannabis plants with a high yield.

More information about growing:

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